Listening Comprehension
listen and check
You'd like to improve your listening comprehension?
With the top-notch, free learning resources listed here, you can do just that!
There are a number of listening resources
With the top-notch, free learning resources listed here, you can do just that!
There are a number of listening resources
waiting for you! Choose listening activities and complete interactive exercises afterwards to test your listening comprehension.
A practical and targeted way to improve your listening skills! Start now and train your ear for French!
A practical and targeted way to improve your listening skills! Start now and train your ear for French!
TV5 Monde - Questions about Short Videos
This site contains high-quality videos with follow-up questions to test and train your listening comprehension. There are many different videos and exercises categorised by language level (Beginner A1 to Advanced B2).- This site offers a number of well-made, interactive exercises. For example, many exercises combine audio with pictures to test and improve your listening skills.
YouTube: Learn French with - Listening Comprehension
These videos train your listening comprehension in three steps: you are shown an image with a question. Then you hear and read a dialogue, after which you answer comprehension questions.FSI French Fast Course - 40 Lessons With PDFs and Audio
The US Foreign Service Institute (FSI) offers extensive learning material with its 40-lesson language course. The course mainly trains your listening comprehension. You'll learn a lot with this course! It's worth opening the audio and pdf files separately.