elegant and appropriate
Writing correctly and appropriately can open many doors!
We've found the top free learning tools for you to
We've found the top free learning tools for you to
improve your writing skills and grow your vocabulary.
Using these resources, you will be able to recognize what writing style is suitable in any given situation! Start now and let the words start flowing!
Using these resources, you will be able to recognize what writing style is suitable in any given situation! Start now and let the words start flowing!
Bescherelle - Practice Writing French
Learn and practice your French spelling! To get started, first choose either the beginner level ("Quiz Juniors") or the advanced level ("Quiz pour tous"). Then select the category "Orthographie."Bescherelle - Write from Dictations
Here you can listen to short audio recordings in French and fill in the correct words to complete the text. This is an excellent way to combine practising listening and writing skills in French.Lingue - Learn Phrases With Context
Learn French with context! On Linguee you can search for expressions and see how they are used in real French texts. This way you can learn both what a phrase means as well as the contexts it's used in.